BPHS (Basic Package of Health Services) Sehatmandi project

Province: KabulDistricts: Khaki Jabbar ,Surobi, Dehi Sabz, Musayee , Charasiab, Paghman , Shakarda, Guldara, Kalakan, Mirbacha Kut , Qarabagh , Istalif , Farza



1. First and foremost, the contract aims to improve access, utilization and quality of the curative and preventive health care services in the BPHS in an equitable and sustainable manner through implementation of BPHS. The main components of the BPHS (2010) are the following: • Maternal and New Born Care • Child Health and Immunization • Public Nutrition • Treatment and Control of Communicable Disease • Mental Health • Disability and Physical Rehabilitation Services • Regular Supply of Essential Drugs

2. To build the capacity of health staff working in the province for delivery of BPHS and provide pre-services training of community midwives and nurses to address shortage of health workers at health facilities

3. To strengthen managerial autonomy and enhance efficiency of BPHS facilities at provincial level